After finishing the coat, I've made two decisions: no new fabric till I finish something and working on fast project till end of February. I've finished one dress, working on another ones and bought one fabric(for another dress). Now I'm working on dress, which are inspirated by wardrobe of Duchess Catherine. She is my big inspiration, although some people say, she is boring. I think, that her style is in harmony with her age, personality and role and I like her style, as so much like f.e. Christine Centeneras- you have to have another style if you are future queen or Harper's Bazaar editor.
The dress I'm talking about are from Alexander McQueen.
Po dokonÄenĂ kabĂĄtu jsem si slĂbila dvÄ vÄci: nekupovat dalĆĄĂ lĂĄtky, dokud nÄco nedodÄlĂĄm a pracovat na samĂœch rychlĂœch projektech aspoĆ do konce Ășnora. DokonÄila jsem jedny ĆĄaty, pracuju na dalĆĄĂch a koupila jsem si jednu lĂĄtku.
MomentĂĄlnÄ ĆĄiju ĆĄaty inspirovanĂ© ĆĄatnĂkem vĂ©vodkynÄ Catherine. UpĆĂmnÄ je mojĂ velkou inspiracĂ a aÄkoliv jĂ nÄkteĆĂ vyÄĂtajĂ nudnost, myslĂm, ĆŸe jejĂ styl perfektnÄ pasuje k jejĂmu vÄku, osobnosti a spoleÄenskĂ©mu postavenĂ. JejĂ styl se mi lĂbĂ ĂșplnÄ stejnÄ jako napĆĂklad Christine Centenery. PĆece budoucĂ krĂĄlovna musĂ mĂt jinĂœ styl neĆŸ editorka Harper's Bazaaru.
For this dress(knee-lenght version) I've chosen crinkle silk chiffon and some cupro for lining. The chiffon is just 44 inch wide and it's not enough for nice draping, so I've decided to make them from 2 parts for front and two for back piece. For this purpose was needed some invisible seam- a classic french seam would be too bulk.
Na ĆĄaty jsem si vybrala hedvĂĄbnĂœ ĆĄifon s maÄkanĂœm efektem a podĆĄĂvku z cupra. Ć ifon je po pĆedeprĂĄnĂ jen 110 centimetrĆŻ ĆĄirokĂœ, takĆŸe jsem pro hezkĂ© naĆasenĂ musela pro pĆednĂ i zadnĂ dĂl spojit vĆŸdy dva kusy. ChtÄla jsem, aby byl spoj co nejmĂ©nÄ vidÄt a klasickĂœ francouzskĂœ ĆĄev by byl moc objemnĂœ.
Finally I've used hairline seam and the result is really nice. It should be used only in seams, where you don't need to much strenght. Beginning is the same like sewing french seam. Put WRONG sides together, right sides are on the top. Sew together ane cut out seam allowance just next to the seam line.
Nakonec jsem pouĆŸila vlasovĂœ ĆĄev a vĂœsledek vypadĂĄ moc hezky. Tento ĆĄev by vĆĄak mÄl bĂœt pouĆŸit jen v nepĆĂliĆĄ namĂĄhanĂœch ĆĄvech. ZaÄĂĄtek je podobnĂœ jako u francouzskĂ©ho ĆĄvu. LĂĄtku pĆiloĆŸte rubem na rub, lĂcovĂ© strany leĆŸĂ nahoĆe. SeĆĄijte a odstĆihnÄte pĆĂdavky co nejblĂĆŸe ĆĄvu.
Turn the fabric inside out and use a narrow zigzag stitch to finish the seam.
ObraĆ„te rubem nahoru a proĆĄijte ĂșzkĂœm obnitkovacĂm stehem.
And result- the seam is visible more like irregularity of the pattern then classic seam.
A vĂœsledek- ĆĄev je viditelnĂœ spĂĆĄe jako nepravidelnost ve vzoru neĆŸ jako klasickĂœ ĆĄev.
The dress I'm talking about are from Alexander McQueen.
Po dokonÄenĂ kabĂĄtu jsem si slĂbila dvÄ vÄci: nekupovat dalĆĄĂ lĂĄtky, dokud nÄco nedodÄlĂĄm a pracovat na samĂœch rychlĂœch projektech aspoĆ do konce Ășnora. DokonÄila jsem jedny ĆĄaty, pracuju na dalĆĄĂch a koupila jsem si jednu lĂĄtku.
MomentĂĄlnÄ ĆĄiju ĆĄaty inspirovanĂ© ĆĄatnĂkem vĂ©vodkynÄ Catherine. UpĆĂmnÄ je mojĂ velkou inspiracĂ a aÄkoliv jĂ nÄkteĆĂ vyÄĂtajĂ nudnost, myslĂm, ĆŸe jejĂ styl perfektnÄ pasuje k jejĂmu vÄku, osobnosti a spoleÄenskĂ©mu postavenĂ. JejĂ styl se mi lĂbĂ ĂșplnÄ stejnÄ jako napĆĂklad Christine Centenery. PĆece budoucĂ krĂĄlovna musĂ mĂt jinĂœ styl neĆŸ editorka Harper's Bazaaru.
For this dress(knee-lenght version) I've chosen crinkle silk chiffon and some cupro for lining. The chiffon is just 44 inch wide and it's not enough for nice draping, so I've decided to make them from 2 parts for front and two for back piece. For this purpose was needed some invisible seam- a classic french seam would be too bulk.
Na ĆĄaty jsem si vybrala hedvĂĄbnĂœ ĆĄifon s maÄkanĂœm efektem a podĆĄĂvku z cupra. Ć ifon je po pĆedeprĂĄnĂ jen 110 centimetrĆŻ ĆĄirokĂœ, takĆŸe jsem pro hezkĂ© naĆasenĂ musela pro pĆednĂ i zadnĂ dĂl spojit vĆŸdy dva kusy. ChtÄla jsem, aby byl spoj co nejmĂ©nÄ vidÄt a klasickĂœ francouzskĂœ ĆĄev by byl moc objemnĂœ.
Finally I've used hairline seam and the result is really nice. It should be used only in seams, where you don't need to much strenght. Beginning is the same like sewing french seam. Put WRONG sides together, right sides are on the top. Sew together ane cut out seam allowance just next to the seam line.
Nakonec jsem pouĆŸila vlasovĂœ ĆĄev a vĂœsledek vypadĂĄ moc hezky. Tento ĆĄev by vĆĄak mÄl bĂœt pouĆŸit jen v nepĆĂliĆĄ namĂĄhanĂœch ĆĄvech. ZaÄĂĄtek je podobnĂœ jako u francouzskĂ©ho ĆĄvu. LĂĄtku pĆiloĆŸte rubem na rub, lĂcovĂ© strany leĆŸĂ nahoĆe. SeĆĄijte a odstĆihnÄte pĆĂdavky co nejblĂĆŸe ĆĄvu.
Turn the fabric inside out and use a narrow zigzag stitch to finish the seam.
ObraĆ„te rubem nahoru a proĆĄijte ĂșzkĂœm obnitkovacĂm stehem.
And result- the seam is visible more like irregularity of the pattern then classic seam.
A vĂœsledek- ĆĄev je viditelnĂœ spĂĆĄe jako nepravidelnost ve vzoru neĆŸ jako klasickĂœ ĆĄev.